Unapologetically Awesome Tour heads to San Diego!
In the land of Jen desires a Kokomo checkin, I need a vacation. Desperately. I am being proactive in this scenario, and decided to head to San Diego for the weekend. The best part is that I came up with a frugally responsible plan strictly utilizing public transportation.
First, I'm popping over to the Greyhound station here in Hollywood - and hopping on a bus.
Cost: $16.72 (money received via the psychological fugue fund aka friend of the site)
Bus station to Gaslamp district (where I want to go): $2.25
Upon arrival in the Gaslamp district, I negotiated a deal with a hostel to stay in one of their rooms in exchange for some nerdy loving.
Cost: $0
Food: I got a bunch of Zone bars the other day from the gym doing some sort of promo thing. I'm pretty certain I can survive off of a box of 10 for a weekend. I don't think I'll need to eat more than 3 over the course of 3 days. Might be close, but doubtful. Either way, never underestimate the kindness of Facebook friends you haven't friended yet for web favors in return. Fucking FABULOUS!
And there I beeeeeeee in the San Dizzle izzle my nizzle! I'm literally getting out of town for the weekend for under $50 round trip. How AWESOME is that?
If you're in the area and wanna kick it totally hit me up on twitter: @JenFriel and follow my checkins on FourSquare: foursquare.com/jenfriel
Can't wait to meet some of you! Except that dude over there. Yes, yes you. You smell.