#WTF: Hands down, the weirdest email ever!

Looky looky the email I just got ...

Alrite, I understand that yes, the Playboy Mansion is definitely something you should see before you die - but really, for a 3 year old?? Does he even know ANYTHING about Playboy? And if so, how did he find out? That just sounds weird. I completely understand that as a family member watching someone pass so early must be heart wrenching, but babe, this is REALLY on HIS bucketlist? Not yours?

I dunno ... what do you guys think? I responded back asking him to elaborate a bit more. I did google the kid, that seemed legit, but I dunno. Smells of fish to moi.



(here's the vid from Halloween, btw. It is fun ... don't get me wrong, I fucking love the mansion - but not for a 3 year old. I just feel so WRONG making that judgement call?!?! Who am I to say?!?! AHHHHH!!! )



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