@Mashable announces Mashable Follow
AHH! The big mashable news is here ... have you guys heard? Looky look at the vid:
This is so friggen SMART! Gosh darn that @petecashmore always thinkin ahead! Basically it's going to give you all of the mashable news you want, with a lot less of the filtering. Aggregation FTW! Really like the terminology that they're using too, branding it a "social layer." Let's face it, we all skim it just to sort of keep up with the headlines, and keep up on certain topics we are interested in. As the space expands however, you have to allow it to scale. Makes perfect sense. Have a writer you want to follow, go follow 'em ... topics, whatevs. Keeps the readers more engaged, and plugged in - while keeping sane with the site management. Pete's giving the people what they want. Very smart.
Click here to read more for yourself
Go Mashable Go!