They're Talking Nerdy Baby: #NerdsUnite
What is your site about? I've read posts from you and others and I'm not really sure. It says it's about social commentary on social media and by the site name there is something nerdy there? I'm missing it here. Just a suggestion, take a step back and look at what your site is and what you're trying to convey.
Humility and being humble are beautiful things, you should really try them out a little because that is definitely lacking in the posts you've been putting up... You have done something great by building this blog, is it the next facebook phenomenon, no. The idea is something new and different. But is it a blog that people are turning to to see a good looking nerd talk about social media and nerdy stuff OR to see if some chick has finally gotten laid and if she's going to share the juicy details? Going back through your post from the last month, it's looking like the second one is is winning.
Online dating = not nerdy or really social media, something done by nerds and non-nerds alike, mostly done by people wanting to find someone to be with or just want to get laid.
Talking about how awesome you are and how many people you know - again where's the nerdiness or social media there? You've showed us how you are good at networking to get to where you are, but it really comes off with quite negative the way you talk about it as if you are better than everyone.
That stuff is going down in Egypt, involves social media.... sure we don't need a complete rundown of everything going on since FOX/CNN and everyone else has that covered but come on. Where's your feelings on stuff like that, your COMMENTARY... Get out of your bubble and talk about the world, the awesome, the not awesome, social media stuff.
Show us you really are nerdy, talk about nerdy things, talk about social media, tell us what you love that's coming out. Show us you're a real person too. You're not awesome all the time, if you say otherwise you are full of shit. We all have bad days, bad mornings. I'm positive 95% ot the time but that 5% makes me real!
You're really losing me as a reader because it's all the same, you're posts are getting to be a boring road with no branches or intersections, just a lot of check out this dating conversion, man I need to get laid, and look at what I'm doing with all these awesome people. You could just post random pictures of your naughty bits by going through a nerdy photographic journey of your body, your readership would skyrocket for sure with horny nerds and guys wanting to see what this nerdy chick has to offer.
I'm just trying to shake things up and hopefully get you to take a look at what you're doing. Keep living it up, keep living for the day, but come on, you're better than this. Give the nerdy community something to look forward to checking in on. I dare you to actually take on this challenge though, don't turn it around saying you're Cal Lightman or something like that and I have daddy issues because my comment comes across that way. Reading through your last challenge you skirted around it without actually taking it on or being humbled by it. We all want more, shrink your head back down to normal size get back to what people want and kick it in the ass!!
First off, thanks for reaching out! As to not go off in a weird tangent like I always do … I am writing this portion in a text document so I can address this line by line as much as possible.
What is the site about? The heart of it is in lifecasting, and using social media to tell a story. It's life told in the keyword of "nerd." We were born nerds, we will die nerds ... the inbetween is just an epic adventure.
Next Facebook phenomenon, babe - come on … lets keep it real. No way, man. Facebook is the web 2.0 revolution, this is a lifestyle brand - not a platform. We're a flavor of ice cream, not the cream itself.
I don't want to report on social media from the "this is what is hot, this is what you need to know perspective." We have Mashable and TechCrunch for all of that. I know social media, so I use what I know and tell people what I am doing. This isn't a news site, its a lifestyle in celebration of unapologetic awesomeness. It is in my hopes that by broadcasting what I am doing, it can inspire others to do their own thing.
Online dating not social media or nerdy? That makes no sense to me, but I will just leave it as we will have to agree to disagree. I cannot imagine anything being nerdier than online dating. Especially OKC … have you seen the people on there? Nuts! Plus too, nerds are horny. Very horny ... and we do it up right! So I would disagree with you in that the dating component is a HUUGGEEE part of this. I asked for my lovers to talk nerdy to me.
If someone sits there and thinks I have an ego from it? Alrite! That's life through their eyes. I do NOOOTTTTTTT think I am better than anyone. But there is no way to properly articulate that to you, since I know my truth. It's inside of me, and life is reflective. We only see in others what is found in ourself. I would have to put that question back to you el nerderino and say what makes you think that you are better than anyone else? I was born a networker; I can't help that, it's a skill … nor will I apologize for it. This is all about who I am. I will GLADLY help anyone in ANYWAY that I can, and even offer it 10000000 times a day. I don't know everything, clearly, but I have thrown a lot of shit against the wall - I know what sticks the fastest.
(here's my twitter: @jenfriel ... Facebook my butt ... or get old school and email:
I have no feelings on anything regarding politics. You will never catch me talking about it - ever. I just have no feeling here nor there on it. My brother works at the Pentagon, I know how to phone a friend. What's the TNTML commentary on that? We had quite a few posts actually … like here ... and here ... and here ... but from people that were passionate about it. It's not my thing.
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA thanks babe for wanting to see pics of my naughtyness. But again, not what its about. I purposely don't do a lot of videos, because I wanted to create a feeling for people. I wanted them to live THROUGH my eyes, not looking into them.
I will ABSOLUTELY take on this challenge. I posted last week that I'm also going to volunteer at the homeless shelter on Sunset to get more out of my head. I do agree with you, you absolutely absolutely absolutely have to get out of your own head. That's just a total no brainer. But dude, totally game - just tell me what my next step is, and I'm there.
Thanks for reaching out! xo #nerdsunite