Dear #SocialMedia, I love you ...

BAHHHHHHHHH!!!! Have I said in the last 5 minutes how much I LOOVVEEEE social media?!?! Like seriously! This shit gets me out of bed in the morning, and tucks my nerdy little heart in every night. Dude, I totally get off on it ... sometimes literally.


Ohhhhhh yeah baby, tweet me just like that ... uhhh deliver that DM, right there, #OMG

WHEW! 'Scuse please. Don't know what CAME over me .... hahahahahahahaha I made a funny. Alrite, all that being said, I was TOTALLY in full on party mode on Friday, and unfortunately all of my actual IRL friends were busy. Super lameo-denado. I just wasn't having it. Um, hello, did you see this update? Yeah.

I don't ever take "no" for an answer. I'll take not now, or maybe in a bit ... but never no. I was out and about, and I was NOT about to head back to the apartment where I know I would drown myself in work. I needed a break - BIG TIME!!!!!!! Thanks to the wonders of twitter though, it didn't take long. Watch!


I had so so so so so so much fun at that party! FOR REALS! HAHA! How randomly awesome is it that I was invited to a costume party and totally fit in since I was in my Spirithood! Like, when does that EVER HAPPEN!?!?!?! I throw myself at social media all day everyday, and it STILL trips me out what gets thrown back at me. So fucking rad!!!

Thanks so so so much @JasonAMatthews for the epic adventure! I really needed it.

I feel like this goes without saying in this community, but if you aren't on twitter yet you are a fucking idiot. No really, you are an idiot. Twitter is the GREATEST thing since nutella on whole grain bread. mmmmmmmmm NUUUUTTTEEELLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAA *drool*


Get on it. Get all up on it, and get 'er done. It's AH-MAZING and for reals, you're missing out on some epic adventures. There you go, and that is all. 


xoxoxoxo @JenFriel




#RecordOfTheYear: Need You Now


The #Adventures of @DustyCPollyD: Getting Around