They're Talking Nerdy Baby: #NerdsUnite

I cannot begin to tell you all how much I enjoy lifecasting. Not only do I get to have a platform to describe to you all how bat shit crazy my life can be at times - you all are then in turn allowed to know that you are not alone in this world.

I am so so so unbelievably humbled by the emails that I get every day, like this one ...


This isn't the weirdest email I have ever received. Not even CLOSE!

Here was my response back ...

This is so true. I can't begin to tell you how many people I've talked to that are "mentally ill" or are sick with some sort of crazy bat shit disease.

I too was sick growing up with every ailment you could have imagined. I had anxiety, depression, I was CONSTANTLY sick - even getting MRSA back in 2007. I had back pain, joint pain, headaches, stomach issues, allergies, you name it ... I've prolly had it.

Through finding my creative outlet, I now not only don't get sick on a physical level, I am emotionally the most stable I have ever been. Nothing bothers me!!! Happiness comes from WITHIN not from outside influences. If I examine where I was in 2010 and even most of 2011 - I had very literally NOTHING to my name, just an EXTREME amount of passion for what I was doing and the art form I was able to express myself through with this website. I was the HAPPIEST I have ever been in my ENTIRE life. It made NO sense to anyone else, but I didn't care - I was doing something. No one will ever come up to you and tell you that you are awesome; YOU have to discover YOUR inner awesome. Any outside validation will be fleeting and will cause you mentally to spin on a whole lotta different cylinders.

First step to discovering your awesome is to find your bliss. What makes you happy? For me it was social media. I had spent my entire social life growing up online, so when social media started to boom I was ALLLLLLLL over that shiznat. This is my thing, this is my awesome. What's yours? To find it you have to explore things that feel good. It's not going to come to you immediately, it's a process. Your job is to every day follow it a little more and more.

This website is my journey. I will run this site and this brand until the day I die because my awesome lives here. Which is so fucking rad because not only do I get to express myself, which is totally narcissistic and self indulgent but people actually get to take a little nugget from it and help THEMSELVES - which is even RADDER because it's totally a side effect!! hahaha didn't at ALL mean for that to happen, but what a great side effect! Sure beats the people pleasing I also did for 24 years that did a number on my self esteem.

Do you first. Let the rest fall into place. In this instance the nerderino was trying to build up her friend because she clearly didn't feel good enough within herself, she then had to create all of these stories. Of COURSE her house of cards was one day going to fall - it was all a show - it was a temporary fix but not something that will get to the root of the issue.

You. Have. To. Get. To. The. Root.

It is a process, it will take time - but welcome to life! This is what this shit is all about! Stop being the victim though and be the victor and discover your awesome - life is too freaking short not to enjoy every SECOND of it (and whatever that means to you)!!!

If you guys ever have questions or anything I can help with - always always always reach out. I apologize if I don't email you back right away, sometimes I am in meetings - but I am ALWWWWAAYYSSS here for you guys. And if for whatever odd ball reason I don't email back I either one didn't get it, or two just forgot - so resend. JenFriel at Talknerdytomelover dot com.

Unless of course you actually are REALLY crazy (which I do have a few of those) - and then I'm not emailing you back because you scare me. So quit being scary. K ... bye.


Click here to read about my fake internet boyfriend

and click here to read about my nervous breakdown


#HowTo: Trigger attraction in women


Fun with #OkCupid: This is what happens when you get suspended from @OkCupid