Hands down best moment of my life ...


Remember Anthony Kiedis from the Meltdown Comic podcast?

Well, last night he was changing in the kitchen and only when I stared at his penis for a second did it register that I had met him before.  I had talked to the guy the ENTIRE EVENING and had no idea it was the same dude I met a few weeks back. Literally one of the funniest moments of my life. Who recognizes someone only by their penis, and BOTH times it was non-sexual? He just so happened to be naked both times. High-larious and omg omg omg one of the greatest nights ever. Way to bond over bondage. ::sigh:: 

Stories to come. But happy to say I faced my fear, and now have an entirely new respect for the animals I watch at sex clubs. Holy shiznat, that shit was weird having the shoe be on the other foot. Not necessarily my style, but something I can definitely check off as having done. WINNING!! 




#NerdsUnite: Confessions of an Unwed Bride (Yeah, I'm writing a letter to your boyfriend)


#NerdsUnite: 27 Year Old Angst