Happy Birthday @JBurst

DUUDDESSS!! We have a birfday in the house!! Whoop whoop! I'm looking over at you Mr. @JBurst!!


This kid is so rad, man. First of all, he still managed our to our party last night after having other commitments - ANNNDDD he's a super duper big help with things behind the scenes. See, we'z be launching officially launching as a new media production company, and Mr. Josh is helping us do that. So even though you don't read posts from him, he's still very very very much a part of the fam, and yah man! What a rad dude!

Fun fact: Josh is also Charlie Sheen's social media intern. True story.

In honor of your birthday dear Josh, we all here pitched in and got you something ...


Superly duperly appreciate you duderino! Have a great year!!!

#love @TNTML


#NerdsUnite: Tomorrow it's Professor Friel to you!


#Fact: I have never been more humiliated in all of my life