#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick

Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.

#nowplaying: Natalie Imbruglia - Torn

Wow. What a week, what a time ... what - an everything.

First off, my trip to Seattle is a go! Currently dealing with the financial peeps in planning, and what it's going to look like - but it's EFFING RAD man!! I'm going to be on an amtrak all the way up the coast for 31 hours - which is GREAT because I totally need to get the proposal to my lit agent on "A Nerd's Guide to Being Unapologetically Awesome." Book proposals are superly duperly long, but fortunately everything in my life is documented online - so a lot of the research the publisher is going to require is actually already done and documented since I have a shit ton of testimonials and what not already in writing. Pretty grateful for that, every bit helps.

But yah man, I'm coming to Seattle!!! So friggen excited!! It's #2 on my must see in the US! (#1 is going anywhere in the state of Hawaii. Never been before, just needs to happen at some point.)

Will make a formal announcement once everything is booked, but it'll be next week. SO. FREAKING. EXCITED!!

On a personal note, the whole no casual sex thing has been a mighty dose of everything healthy in my life. I'm pretty much the most excited person to be alive on this planet - so I can't help but also be the horniest person on the planet as well (since excitement travels everywhere ::wink wink::). I'm naturally not predisposed to want to have intimate relationships with people, but I have been opening myself up more and more and it feels damn good. (But not opening myself up TOO much either - a nice balance.) I've been dating this one duderino for a few months now. I can't talk about it since it hiccups the natural ebb and flow of dating but it's going incredibly slow which for me is GREAT. I'm still dating on OKC to keep my sanity (bitches go crazy when they like a boy - always. always. always. keep dating to not go psychotic). But I have to admit, sex has DEFINITELY changed. It's becoming less of a "bone" and more of a connection. I know I know this is the way life SHOULD be - but have you read how I lost my viriginity? I'm very much a matter of fact person, and INCREDIBLY analytical. It makes me a shark in business, but cold in my personal life. Guys have trouble figuring out how they can be a part of my life. They want to be the protector and be the provider - and here I am saying I can throw a punch, take a punch, fire a gun, wield a knife, and oh yeah! I run my own business. There has to be a give and take in there somewhere otherwise I emasculate the men. I guess I'm just so used to taking care of myself, and going after what I want, again great in business, shitty in your personal life. Need to be the chick, Friel - you need to be the chick.

It's hilarious too, because I complain and complain how dudes don't step up to the plate and take the lead, but maybe it's me that doesn't even give them the chance. OOOOHHHH how I am starting to see the light. Oh yes, it's there.

Be the chick.

Be the chick.

Be the chick.

Professionally speaking, things are going GREAT! Getting the sales team up on their legs and ready to start going after some leads. It's crazy adding more to my plate helping manage everyone - but it's gotta get done, and no one said starting a business was easy. I'm grateful to at least now have office space however so I can take a break.

OMMMGGGGGGGG I stayed in ALL weekend and slept, and lounged around. Felt GREAT! Totally took a me-weekend. Totally needed it.

Oh! and my leg is doing better after my epic wipe out.

It went from looking like I got hit by a car to now just a gnarly case of road rash. Not too shabby!! I kinda feel like a leopard. I wouldn't be mad at a leg tattoo - could be pretty rad!

All in all, lots going on - as usual, but from the depths of my everything thank you all so so so so SOOOOOO much for the emails, tweets, comments, posts, etc. You all make. my. life.

It's crazy how all this time I thought I was alone with all these weird and random life experience, only to find out that by posting on it - others would just find me! It's GREAT! Keep it up nerds!! I love love love LOVE IT!!!

Peace love and lollipops to all!! Many blessings! And if you ever want to find me you can ...

email: jenfriel at talknerdytomelover d c

Facebook: Facebook.com/JenFriel

Twitter: Twitter.com/JenFriel


Oh, and if you want a sneak peek on what the book is going to be about, have a listen to the lecture I gave at Cal State Fullerton. You can just put it on in the background or whatevs. It's pretty long, but peeps dug it. YAY!!


#NerdPr0nz: Behind the Scenes with @MeowMistiDawn


#Adventures in Adventuring: I just got asked out on the city bus