#NerdsUnite: Confessions of an accidental entrepreneur

I started this site out of passion. I didn't mean to launch a business out of it, but I'm a sales and marketing chica at my core (dudes, when I was 13 and in an elevator with Ray Charles, I rannnnnn inside my parent's hotel room screaming, we just met the Pepsi guy!! yah, you're born this way, man.)- so how could I NOT see the opportunities.

That being said, I'm an incredibly quirky individual when it comes to my now accidental business and wanted to share some tips and tricks that have helped me along the way. Here are some things that I have done this week that have really kept me going ...

1. Start a business based on something you love.

I say this of course not to be cheeky, but INCREDIBLY matter of fact that you have. to. do. what. you. love. when it comes to starting a company. I designed this brand around my personality versus forcing myself into a lifestyle that didn't fit me; I found my organic awesome and built from the inside out. This was SUPPPEERRR important when it came to this week in actually filing for our S-Corp, and other pain in the ass things you have to go through when launching a company - had I not UP, DOWN, RIGHT, AND LEFT, believed in what I was doing, and BELIEEEVVEEEEEDDD so strongly that it was something epic, I would have given up. In the last 2 years I've barely taken a breath outside of this site - but I ADORE every second of it. I totes mcgotes should have burned out by now, but because I genuinely genuinely genuinely adore it - I keep going, and can't stop. Remember: Do what you love and the money will follow.

2. Set alarms to help you manage your time.

I have EXTREMELY hardcore ADD. Like super super super bad, I can literally be amused for an entire lifetime with a discoball - it's tragic, but very true. One of the side effects from having ADD is that I am CONNSSTTANNTTTLLLYYY jumping around to things going out on all of these tangents, then wondering how the fuck I got there. What I do now is set alarms for each part of my day.

They are as follows:

Alarm 1: I set for waking me up, YAYYY for being alive!

Alarm 2: I set for answering all tweets, Facebook messages/ comments, and emails.

Alarm 3: I set for organizing the day's posts.

Alarm 4: I set for reaching out to sponsors (and following up).

Alarm 5: I set for creative writing time.

The time for each alarm is of course dependent upon the day and activity - but this very literally is the ONLLLLYYYY way I can ever stay on task. I am a CRAZY efficient person, but this is how I stay on task and keep the ADD at bay.

3. Headphones save my life.

Sounds a tad bit dramatic, but it's also true. Now, thanks to @Steve_Berra, we have office space - but prior to that I've worked out of train stations, bus stations, coffee shops, and various wifi hot spots all across the country. Dudes, invest in a GOOD set of headphones. Not only will you be jammin to some good tunes all day, but I get into my own little world and am able to function at full speed every place I go. SUPPEERRR important when you're in business for yourself and have to get the job done in sometimes less than desirable locations. 

So, there ya go! 3 tips this week that pretty much make my life! Hope this helps, nerderinos!! xoxoxo


Want more of @TNTML's origin story? Check out A Nerd's Guide to Being Unapologetically Awesome!


#FoodForThought: The Adventures of Fanny and Olive (powdered sugar)


#NerdsUnite: Confessions of a videogame journalist (Knowing is half the battle)