#Fact: Unisex bathrooms scare me

OOOOHH my goodness nerderinos, what a night in Philly. I'll do a recap later in the day, but I got to explore the wonders of unisex bathrooms at club Voyeur tonight here in Philadelphia.


Living in LA, you see a lot - but unisex bathrooms are one of those things that I don't encounter very often. OMG OMG OMG dudes, do you not know how to aim? What was that?? Very. Very. Very. Disappointed.


Gross on SOOOOOOOO many levels. Having to "hover" is bueno for the thigh muscles, but not something I enjoy doing on a regular basis. Whatevs, lesson learned and YAYYY for new life experience!!

=) =) =) Whoop whoop!!

My date with Steve is in a few hours, so I best be catching up on my bea-uty sleep.

Note to self though: When I get married, make sure the hubby and I have separate bathrooms.

That was just NAASSSTTYYY!!!



#NerdsUnite: OMW to my big date with @StevenBWard!!


Fun with #OkCupid: A dude in the OKC corral