#Randombling: @JenSquard

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @JenSquard

Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.

#nowplaying: DHT - Listen To Your Heart

I have been super MIA lately - and I want to use this platform to apologize to everyone.  It sucks and I'm sorry, but I've just been so effing busy getting ready for this wedding expo.  It's on this coming Sunday, so I will be surfacing and back to reality soon.  I have soooo so much riding on this expo that I haven't been willing to put any effort into anything else.  Well, except the whole being a mom and working from home thing.  That apparently doesn't stop just because I've got some stuff going on.

So yeah, things are going to start looking up.  Last year was such a tough one for us as a family, but it finally seems like we are getting out from under it and getting on the right track.  The hubbard's new job is super awesome and he loves it, so that's really all that matters.  I'm getting more professional and confident in my photography....and oh man oh man, I had someone send me their resume to see if I was interested in hiring them as a second shooter!  What!?  Um, yah, that makes me feel A-Okay.  Because I live in 1950.

Anywhoozle, I'm in the crunch time for the expo, getting my booth built and set up and designed and awesomefied, so I'll rejoin the normal world in a regular capacity soon.  Maybe. 

Follow my craziness on Twitter: @JenSquard


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