#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Cage the Elephant - Ain't no rest for the wicked
I am SOOOOOOO anxious for tomorrow. I feel like a kid on the night before a big trip to Disney World. We're having a big big big meeting with the Hollywood god, and our director to hash out the pilot script. I've never been more proud of anything in my entire life ... this team that has been assembled absolutely BLOWS MY MIND!!! The work that has gone into this from day one, and the completely organic way this all unfolded is truly something for the books. I am so so so so so FUCKING EXCITED!!! BAHHHHHH!!!
Seeing the name "Jen Friel" in a credit list with all of these people was literally the greatest thing ever. I screamed when I saw this one email that came in today when I was hanging out in the coffee shop. I've been working so much of the hustle in just getting all of this done with the pilot, that it never really occured to me to take any of it in - today it hit me like a ton of bricks. Incredible. Incredible. Incredible.
I'm pretty freaky at being able to get things done. I am SOOOOOOOOOO deep in this space, that all I have to do is think okay, we need this for this so I can Facebook this person, or send a tweet to this person, blah blah blah blah blah. It's amazing the nerdy network we've got round these parts. All people want to do is help, and be a part of the story. Its unbelievably humbling.
Holy shit, I'm creator and executive producer of a pilot based on my life and this website. Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy fucking shit!
I can't stress this enough either that I am so unbelievably honored to work with these people. No joke, and across the entire board. I had told the Hollywood god last year that I wanted to work with him one day - who knew it would come true so soon. HAHAHHAHAHA!! And OMG! Our director in this, he's so nerdy ... its brilliant. Super super super proud of it. Everyone is an expert in their own lil thang and collectively we make the most KICK ASS team on this PLAANNNEETTTTTTT!!! So much talent.
Really excited for where all of this is going. Again, there is going to be a LOT I can't say, but trust that I'll still be writing down what I'm experiencing as we go ... so it'll prolly have to be like some "tell all" thing at a later date; I can't shoot my own self in the foot in regards to this project. So yeah! Yay life!
Get 'er done nerds! Go and get 'er done! Let's build a frenzy.
xoxo #nerdsunite
more info on the TNTML pilot can be found over yonder