The Power of #Vulnerability

I've been grappling all day with how to manage @JenSquard's lifecasting dilemma. Actually, I don't even want to call it a dilemma, I feel like that places judgement on it when it's not really a dilemma, its a growth period. Jen's core right now is pretty shaken. I did what I did to myself, by myself, for myself. I've never sort of made anyone else aware that they were transparent before ... I've never ever called someone out like that before.

That being said though, it's happening ... and I'm going with it.

Working in social media has really screwed with my noggin. I spend my day inside 3,000 people's brains on Twitter, and almost 2,000 on Facebook. I read everything. Furthermore, I am AWESOME at spotting patterns. I have a face full of freckles; I've been connecting the dots for as long as I could hold that marker in my hand.

Compound all of those natural, and organic components with dating a mentalist, and being the grand-daughter of a very respected shrink and you've got a pretty gnarly combination. I have an insatiable appetite for people watching, and have learned a LOT.

We think we're special as humans. We really do ... we think there's no WAYYY anyone could EVVERRR understand what I'm going through because of x, and y, oh and don't forget about z. Oh no, we are ALARMINGLY transparent. Literally ... it freaks me out ... and I'm a friggen lifecaster! Go figs!

Let me break this down for you as simply as possible .... you're not special, you're awesome. Depending on which study you follow or whatever blah blah blah you believe ... there are only 9 different types of people in this world. NINE! That's IT!

You're sitting there and saying, oh yeah! Well that's not me, and getting all defensive ... oh no it is you, and it is me. Own it. People are so predictable it freaks me OUT! If you think you're not predictable, put down the ego for a sec and just be with it. It's kosher ... no one will attack you.

We all have this unbelievable fear of being vulnerable. I have no idea the root of it, because frankly, I've only taken 1 psych class in my life ... but just in watching you all - we ALL put up this front of who we think we are, when in actuality, you step back and remove the emotional components from it, you can see through it! ENTIRELY! I knew Jen was in a rut, but I don't even know if she realized she was. How the fuck did I know that? I don't regret calling her out on it, the opposite actually. I'm pretty friggen fascinated on where this is going.

I can sit there and analyze her fears til the cows come home, but its not going to do any good. All I have to say regarding her post is, "what is failure?" I recognize however in her state of consciousness, she's going to bite back and be defensive and say WHHATT?! What do you mean by that?!?! It'll only further compound things, and it's going to make her feel more uncomfortable ... and I'm not trained to manage that. But fortunately, I don't even have to try ... the universe planted this loverly vid in my Facebook news feed this morning - and OMMGGGGG it's rad.


Ps. LOVE LOVE LOVE the definition of COURAGE!! YESSSSSS!!!




#NowPlaying: Prince - Erotic City


You guys make my life ...