#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick, are we there yet?
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Frou Frou - Let Go
Holy mother of all things holy and sweat balls ... I am scared. Well, scared isn't really true ... more like incredibly, incredibly, incredibly anxious. Just saw Scott Pilgrim tonight, and sat in the same theater as where we had the Fiesta Movement short film premiere ... it just hit me - that in a year and some change, that will be my name up there. My name ... on a screen not in my imagination ... total trip. total fucking trip. This all just happened so fast, that over the last 10 months I very literally have not had time to think. Which is GREAT!!!! Thinking leads to procrastination in my book ... I have to just go with my gut. I know this is right, and I can't friggen WAIT!!!! But the normal 25 year old in me is also wanting to scream MOMMMYYYYYYYY!!!! My parents dont really get what all of this means. My mom just says, "I need to wear sunglasses to hide" - I get it. But I also put myself out there in a VERY big way to just say ... okay world ... come right ahead! As far as marketing and everything nerdness goes - I know my shit. That's just matter of fact, but I'm just a bit blah about what this means for people I want to either date or befriend in the future. Success and money never changes you, only the people around you. I can smell out bullshit from 100 miles away thanks to social media and being able to study people ... its just red pill/ blue pill time. The old dudes with money really dig TNTML, so I just have to process everything, and no matter what - stay true to the community. BTW, TOTALLY RADDDDDDDDD that the other day when I didn't post for a solid 24 hours, it was all the loverly TNTML staff, the analytics didn't dip once. The community is sustaining without me pimping it. That's NUTSSS!!!!! So, kudos to all of you ... and like I say, if you ever want to share your nerdy expertise, feel free to drop me a love note: JenFriel@talknerdytomelover.com - or Morgan, the co-editor: morgan@talknerdytomelover.com ... we'd love to hear from you. I don't know what is around the corner, but that's not my job. I am responsible for the next 86,400 seconds ... and that much, I know I've got!
*whew* times up! #kthxbye
PS - here's the film from the Fiesta Movement. Pretty AWESOME!!! (unapologetically of course)
P.P.S. Yep, when I became temporarily homeless I slept in that piece of awesomeness with a Koi fish on the side down on Venice and Lincoln in Venice Beach. I was the coolest homeless chick EVER!! =) =) Stick to what you believe in nerds, giving up is not an option - no matter what!