The Invention of #Lying
Woahhh ... HELLOOOO nyc!! Having a blast, but more importantly am very inspired. After going to a few unapologetically awesome bars this evening, I watched the movie "The Invention of Lying." See, turning off the brain can be a bit difficult for me at times, so I try to catch at least one show on Hulu, or a few parts of a movie every night just to sort of "unplug" if you will. Tonight, however, kept me more plugged in than ever.
I was dying to see this flick when it first came out. I don't really remember why my butt didn't hit the box office, but for one reason or another, it didn't.
The Invention of Lying came out in October of last year - and was a complete dud. No for reals, the flick grossed $18,451,251 domestically, and cost $18.5 to make. That = one very, very, very big shame. But let's figure out why!
I'm a BIGGGGGGG psychology freak. Life is cause and effect. Body language, actions, thoughts, there is ALWAYS a cause and effect to things. Ever notice ladies how much you change when you're on a first date with a guy that you like, and you keep playing with your hair? Yeah, you're not special - just awesome; we all do it. That's just an easy observation ... working in social media day in and day out has really screwed with my noggin in being able to see said patterns.
People don't want to be told the truth. ESPECIALLY not in October of 2009!!!!!! Timing, timing, timing. We all say that yes, we want to be told the truth - but our actions show a completely contradictory nature.
We need hope, we need faith - why the hell do you think we have religion? (side note: am I going to hell for publicly posting something like this ... biting my thumb in the face of religious leaders all over, SUREEEE!! And thanks for reading us, btw! I know ... super cool site, right?)
Our brains are hardwired to be told "yes, everything will be all right." Think about your mom when you were a kid and scraped your knee. What was the one thing she told you over and over? "Shhh - it's okay! Everything will be alright!" (Unless you're a red head, then she prolly said ... yeah damn right you fell from that ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down ... and oh yeah, YOU'RE ADOPTED! I kid .. I kid ... get it, red headed step-child?? *drumroll*)
We still search for those same psychological cues of "yes everything will be all right, as adults." I feel like this isn't remotely rocket science - however, shifting your conscious level of awareness will certainly help open your eyes. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES IN LIFE! FACT! Show up to life, and WORK YOUR ASS OFF - and you will reap the rewards. You KNOW through and THROUGH when you're working hard and when you're not. If you think you're kidding anyone working that 9-5 that you don't really like ... to buy things you dont really need ... to pacify your already battered ego ... you're only really fooling yourself.
We create this. We do this, all day - everyday. We are TOTALLY in control of our lives, and TOTALLY in control of our experience. Don't like something? Change it!!! I did it with this friggen site!!!!!!!! I'm such a nerd that I needed tangible proof that it could be done, and have documented it from CONCEPTION that YESSS this is possible for ANYONE!!!! Everything in life starts with you. The truth isn't always easy to hear, as is evident with this film. Your "everything will be alright" is a CUE INSIDE OF YOU!!! No one else can ever tell you that everything will be alright, you have to tell yourself that. You have to feel it deep down inside of you, and act accordingly. How hard for us all to do when we were conditioned as adults to receive said cue from external sources ... but maybe that is why so many of us are afraid to take risks! We instead accept things to be dictated to us as being "right and wrong." The right and wrong is inside of you, and anyone that tells you different - just wish them well, they're not at all worth your time.
Why do you think I created this whole notion of permission slips to be unapologetically awesome? SURE! They're cute, good marketing, branding, yada yada ... but I KNEEWWW that we all needed said cue to actually do something about it. But you're ALREADY AWESOME! You don't need me to tell you that!!!!
So there you go ... that's my rant. Just go be awesome!!! It's organic, you already are ... stop looking for external cues to define said awesomeness.
Don't believe me? Print out this permission slip. Put it in the back of your wallet. Let it remind you that you're awesome, but see how long it takes before you forget that it's even there. =)
PS. Saw this today while I was walking around St. Marks ... reminded me of you all.