#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Whatta Man - Salt N Peppa
OHHHHHMYGATOS what a week this has been. No really, crazy, stupid, busy week. These uber nerdy peeps approached me with two apps the other day, and they were really good ... like really, really good. So, they asked me how much I charge etc. I told them, I don't accept payments - I accept sponsorships. Say hello to my new macbook pro, and new ipad ladies and germs!!! Yep, totally got the hook up. But clearly, I also know, I can market the heck out of their apps. I just can't make a time commitment to any company right now - as this movie is just woooahhh very overwhelming!!! Signed my life rights yesterday, and also spoke with our director, who we still can't announce just yet. We still need another draft of the script. Totally kosher, we were only on draft 3.5 and for a movie like this, I'm sure there are going to be a crap ton of edits along the way. He's totally on board, but again - this is all going to be a very public thing ... sooooooo you know how it goes. Or maybe you don't, cause I know I'm just learnin' too!!! Either way, we are still moving at like crazy super light speed - as the technological component alone leaves us with a much shorter window than a traditional script. Oh, oh, question ... I need to get to Jack and or Biz of Twitter. Apparently it looks like we are going to go with a studio, and we're going to need a LOI (letter of intent) from them to move forward. SOOOO!!!! That is my current mission, I already know a ton of people that know them, I'm just trying to find the fastest most direct route. Would appreciate any help - the last thing I'd need is for this to get tangled with lawyers. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it will have to go there when papers get signed, and all that stuff - but for the initial contact, I do not want to have to go through lawyers. They're just too much of a time sucker. I just can't be bothered.
... andddd times up!