
3 different people have thought they saw me somewhere out in the world, in the last 4 days.



nope, still in my beetle - but DUDEE!! I'm counting down the days til I can get my Fiesta. #YES!!!



Nope. No best buy commercials for me! Although, I did pick a guy up once who worked at a best buy ... who was once IN one of their commercials ... eh? eh? eh?? ... I got nothin'!



DUDE!!!!!!!!! MC Hammer concert?!?! UM, YES PLEASE!!!!!! HAHAHA I totally would have gone to this, but alas it was not me.


For reals, I think I Facebook Status Update, and tweet so much that my avatar is deeply engrained in so many people's brains that they actually think they see me out and about. Totally awesome!!!!!!!!


But as Shaggy says ... It wasn't me!!! #DOH!


- Shaggy - It Wasnt Me.-
Uploaded by cilvana1981. - News videos hot off the press.


Oh and PS. here are my Foursquare checkins so you can find me ... and say, what's up, not-doc!?


#TNTML Movie Update: Signing #LifeRights!!


Saintpepsi: USTREAM