#Randombling: This is all happening ...

Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.

#nowplaying: Iggy Pop- Real Wild Child

I still need to be pinched. I'm a pretty big ball buster, and pretty matter of fact on things. I seem kinda crazy at times - but I just KNOWWWWW through and THROUGH where this stuff is going in social media ... but you guys have to understand it all just started with an idea. I've been through hell and back, but I don't regret a minute of it. The last 8 months have been such a walking, talking cliche. I've even scoffed at it ... but you have to understand, when the cliche becomes your reality - it is a very different thing. The dollar menu became a luxury, and becoming temporarily homeless made perfect sense. Justifying said actions to family members, and everyone else in the world however was complete nuttery. No for reals, my brother still won't return my call after a month, and um it's horrible. I'm not an "I told you so" kinda person. But when you say to your family that you're working with such high profile clients, but didn't send one of them an invoice because you KNEW he was going to ask - and when you did, you could tell him about your website without being all "pitchy." It defies all logic. I don't think about things, I just feel things. I feel time ... part of the reason why I never wear a watch. The best part about this is, I'm not special - I'm just awesome. ANYONNEEEE can take an idea and do something like this. I just had to live it first, to be able to tell the story of how I did it later.

I don't know what the next step is, but I do know tomorrow the Unapologetically Awesome Spring/ Summer 2010 Tour will be hitting San Fran and Cupertino followed up with a red eye to NYC Tuesday night until the 11th. #GOODSTUFF nerds!!

Oh yeah, here's a pic from today's TNTML script meeting with @bryceless & @kyle_newman ... I can't even believe how much enthusiasm for the project is shared across the board. Dreams do come true nerds, you just have to dream big enough!!! #NerdsUnite



An Open Letter to @hitrecordjoe aka Joseph Gordon-Levitt


#Okcupid Public Service Announcement