A Hot Nerd's #Randomblings: That Nerdy Chick
Okay ... I am trying to encourage the #TNTML staff to write down their random streams of consciousness, so I might as well start with myself.
I am placing a timer on my desk for 5 minutes, and I will type for as long as that timer is on without editing, or anything ... ready ... set ... go ...
#NowPlaying: Coldplay 42 LeftRightLeftRightLeft
BAHH! Stressed, very stressed today. Legalizing everything I am doing adds a lot of responsibility to it all - and although, yes that is wonderful ... it is INCREDIBLY scary. I act off of instinct, not thought. I can feel what is right because I spend my days inside 5,000 peoples brains. It's a pretty gnarly side effect that you just end up knowing a bunch of weird things.
Excited about going to NY, dodged a bunch of meetings today. Kinda just wanted to lay low - can get a bit overwhelming at times how many people want to talk to you during the day. It seemed grand at first, now I just go ahhhhhhh!! Gatekeeper!!!!!!!!
You have to just understand that I need to be pinched most days. I can't actually believe that any ONE of the FOUR projects I have going on - will set me up pretty much for the rest of my life. This blessed little website created more opportunities for me than I ever could have imagined. You have no idea how grateful I am for every single one of you.
Listen as the crowd would sing ... now the old king is dead long live the king.
Love me some Viva La Vidaaaaaaaaa!!! Comic-con coming up - not sure what the plan is stan. Didn't remember to fill out that god awful 30 page packet - but my management wants me to go ... might be crashing it. *gasp!*
Really digging this album man ... gets me so pumped.
Sarah Palin you are a fucking retard. Refuidate?
Working in social media really messes with your head. I'd like to think in the best ways possible - however, considering my slightly socially awkward state to those who do not deem "the twitter and the facebook thing" to be relevant - it might just be the latter.
We are connected in SOO many ways for the first time in HISTORY!!! We can get in each other's brains, go for a nice little walk - and no one was the wiser. Assistance literally seems to fall from the sky with a tweet or status update.
I am DUMBFOUNDED at how much of the world is changing, and how quickly.
Today was a blessing, nothing particular happened, yet it was just great!! That's how every day has been for the last 8 months. Dude, this website changed my everything ... bahhhhh and time is up.
This has been a very random stream of consciousness from a very hot nerd.