#True Story: Marketers are born ... not raised




When I was 13, we went on a family vacation to Vegas. (That was pre the "What Happens in Vegas" marketing campaign, when they tried making Vegas family friendly. Marketing #FAIL) ... and wouldn't you know, Ray Charles walked into the elevator my brother and I were in!!!!!!



The four of us (Ray had a guy assisting him ...) rode the elevator for what felt like the longest 5 seconds of my life. My brother and I were frantically trying to place this iconic human being, but we kept falling short of his name. I piped up and said simply OMG - el senor Charles the consummate gentleman turned his head in a counterclockwise motion and said "How ya doin?!"


He proceeded to get off on the 3rd floor ... and my brother and I ran screaming into our parents room. We were so ecstatic - we finally figured out who he was!?!?! We shouted out Mom, Dad - we were just in an elevator with "the guy from the Pepsi commercials."


OY!!!! ...Very true, very nerdy story ... HA!!!





Here's to hoping your big Pepsi in the sky is never warm, Mr. Charles!!!




Nerd vs. Geek vs. Dork vs. Dweeb


Earth Hour 2010!!