#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick
Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.
#nowplaying: Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Good Vibrations
OOOHHHH my goodness gracious, way to be an awesome awesome awesome christmas! dude, finally saw the fighter, and if you haven't seen it yet ... I suggest going now. Like right right now. Like go ... it was amazing. Christian Bale's performance was one for the books - for sure. What a character!!!
Having a blast with the fam. It's hard at times for them to not understand how I get SO FRIGGEN EXCITED about social media, just like its hard for me to discuss politics. I literally sit there, and smile and nod - similar to how I think they can be with me at times ... its just different levels, different lives. I think politics is just the most boring boring boringest thing on the planet, but my brother works at the Pentagon ... and I love my brother, so I gotta deal.
Dude, YAY LIFE & YAY SOCIAL MEDIA (since I know you all will get this ...) today, my parents told me that they've been trying to figure out the CD player in their new Ford Escape, and asked me if I knew how to operate the SYNC as I was a Ford Fiesta Agent. I said I'd try, and dude, I literally tried everything ... sat with it for about 15 mins before I decided to call in for backup; I sent out a tweet ...
And BLESS your guy's hearts!!! Thank you for all the replies, but yes - it looks like they do in fact have a single CD changer. I explained to them that the number 1-6 at the top were for the radio stations, and they weren't disc holders. Dude, my parents went through the manual, AND google - and couldn't find it.
When I say this is the GREATEST time to be alive I mean it from the DEPTHS OF MY SOUL to the TIP OF MY TOES!!! If you people don't see the INCREDIBLE opportunity before us all RIGHT NOW, IN THIS SPACE, then you never will. I sat there and cheered up and down left and right to my family, and they were all "that's great, Jen ... yayyyyyy." Again, awesome, if it was politics, I would have had the same reaction ... but you people get it. BAHHHHHHHHH!!! Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. I totes mcgotes lost my mind that even on CHRISTMAS DAY, I got an answer.
I'm just so so so grateful for you all, you just have no idea. Way to take an idea from ONE person and turn it into a platform that has a very very very powerful voice. I will go to my grave knowing that this was the year that changed my life. Thank you all so much for being a part of it.
Merry Christmas
xoxo #nerdsunite
PS. Thank you @scottmonty. You hold down the fort with the most incredible online reputation management that I have ever seen. Friggen love you guys!!! whoop whoop!!!
P.P.S. Moving back to Hollywood on the 3rd!! Santa brought me my gift of a new home!! Fuck yes!! The story continues ... thank you Santa! =) =) =)
P.P.P.S. I totally asked a boy out today. Let's seeeeee what he says!!! =) =) =)