#SocialMedia...starting friendships over multiple platforms

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @JenSquard

I love love love me some social media.  While I'm not a super-socialmedialite, I'm pretty good at it.  I've been on the scene for quite awhile, of course starting with MySpace (in like 2004 or whatevs).  So I've been linked to my peeps for quite a while, and I love the relationships, networks and connections it has opened for me.  I am fairly new the the FourSquare thing, and I am getting better at remembering to checkin.  I just don't go anywhere worth checking in, usually.  But I went through and added all of my Twitter and Facebook contacts, and added them.  I got an email from one of the people asking why I would want to add him as he doesn't know me, and I explained that I was just doing a sweep.  He looked me up, realized a wasn't a robot, and was pleased to add a new nerd to his network.  He immediately friended me on Facebook, and pulled up a chat.  Turns out he is a fellow nerd (more in the technology sense than me, but as you know, #nerdsunite).  We talked about TNTML, and I explained what lifecasting is.  He was under the impression that lifecasters carried a camera around with them every where.  So we talked about how it all works, and how liberating it is for me.  It turns out that he is also a photographer, so we shared links to each other's work, and I was able to give him some tips on this and that, since he hasn't quite broken into the market yet.  We chatted for like an hour, I added him to not only my nerd network but my photography community as well.  I just love that this little connection, even if this is the last of it, was opened up and I was able to meet someone new.  Thanks, social media!

Want to open up a connection?  Then follow me on Twitter, then friend me on Facebook!


#NowPlaying: Eminem Ft. Lil' Wayne - No Love


Long Time No #Nerd: The Triumphant Return of @LikesGoyBoys