#IsThisRealLife: Don't forget to charge your batteries

The last few days have been awesome. I'm not going to lie - being in development for this pilot doesn't suck. However, when Friday came around, and I got the news ... I didn't want to go out and celebrate, I did the exact opposite - I meditated.

I feel like sometimes we don't give ourselves enough credit for our "me" time. I can't do anything for anyone if my batteries aren't charged, just like your Macbook Pro isn't going to magically turn itself on after it hits the 1% red battery alert. It just doesn't happen. So why do we try to run ourselves ragged?

I am pretty proud to say that I am in-tune to my body and can feel when I have hit my emotional or physical levels. Dude, I learned this year that I can walk 11 miles at a time with 40 lbs of equipment on my back before my body physically starts to fail. Like literally, legs stop moving. And, I can drive 17 hours at a time and typically up until around 2:30 AM before my depth perception becomes skewed and driving becomes an impossibility. Knowing those limits is totally going to come in handy btw with the Ford Focus Rally! (Fingers crossed!!! Jigga jigga jigga ...)

I know what I know because I've tested it. Today - I needed to recharge. A sharp, present mind is an invaluable tool. Remember, all luck is, is opportunity meeting preparation. How can you be prepared for whatever life has to throw at you if you're half asleep?? =)




#FingersCrossed: For the #FocusRally!!
