Dear #TNTML: Mind helping a #nerdy chick out?
In a few weeks, I will be celebrating the loverly 26th year of my existence. Since you nerdy peeps are all that I have in this world, I wanted to kindly request a favor.
As many of you know, I am a minimalist. Material things very literally mean nothing to me. I just don't really care; they cause a lot of clutter. That being said, I am MAJOORRLLYYY crushing on a Spirit Hood. See ... this is what one looks like:
My obsession with this thing is borderline unhealthy. But none the less ... I would LOOVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to have one for my birthday.
It's the panda one. See ... this is what it looks like:
It's like crazy stupid hot - and dude, its a HOODIE!! I LIIVVEEEEEE in hoodies!!!! I put on headphones, and put up the hood so I can become entirely absorbed in the content I am involved with online. Totally helps!
I was going to put up a paypal, but I thought that was kinda douchey, so instead I just created an amazon wish list, with a spirit hood and a few other things on it.
Like, Diet Dr. Pepper, which I am head over heels in love with - and DUDEE!! Do you know how many posts I can bust out in a day when I'm rockin the Diet Dr. Pepper buzz??? It can't be legal ...
And new shoes. Because this is the SECOND pair of shoes I have put my foot through in a year. HAHA!! I've done a LOTTTT of walking.
So yeah, you guys are always asking how you can help, and I never really know what to say as I'd rather hit up corporate sponsors than you all .... but if this can get done it would just mean a whole lot to me - and if not awesome sauce.
I just know in life you don't G-E-T if you don't A-S-K.
So here I am TNTML, very humbly asking you all for help!
Thanks so so sooooooooo much!
Click here to view my Amazon Wish List
#nerdsunite INDEED!!
(and if you don't know what we're about, click here to read about my journey over the last year)