#Randombling: That Nerdy Chick

Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.

#nowplaying: Billy Idol - Dancing with myself

OHHH MY GATOOSSS!! Just got back home from the #FocusRally casting. I signed an NDA (non disclosure agreement) - so I can say I was present, but other than that ... mums the word! So yeah, suck it. It's still a bit out, so if you don't hear me talking about it for a bit ... dont worry. =)

ALSO!! Got a crazy awesome and important email on Facebook last night. Super super SUPPERRR stoked for a day not too far from today regarding the film. It's so hilarious, the crowd that I was consulting for basically called me completely full of shit last week re: the film, and I just sat there and took it. Was kinda like, alrite - coolio Julio. Its again like someone telling you the sky isn't actually blue - its red. You're colorblind. I think they prolly thought that was nuts. But they just had no idea. Was nothing against them, they just dealt with the hand that they had. But I hadn't shown my hand at all. Not smart. I learned a valuable lesson, that my theory on marketing and execution can be done in real time - however not with a film. Too many variables. When you're dealing with Hollywood gods, they might just not remember. But ooohhhhhhhhh yes, a day not too far from today will be good. =) Get it, I don't even want to tell you what date or time it is cause I learned my lesson well!! HAHAHA! 

You have to understand, I am learning a lot about this entire process as I am going along with it. I'm not interested in the Hollywood bullshit. I just believe in social media, and KNOWWWW that you can tell a story through it. I don't lie, cheat, or steal. But I am trying to execute some pretty off the wall theories that I think could change a lot of things as far as P&A budgets are concerned. See, P&A, aka print and advertising ... I learned-ed-ed something. But frankly, I have no idea if it will work. I will say that as far as timing is concerned, I am DEFINITELY not going to say another thing about it. Just again, too many variables. But then I have to laugh, and think with all these people that know about it - and the pretty package we have, I mean wow. It's just the greatest time to be alive. So much of the world as we know it has changed. Entertainment, marketing - I mean wow. So so sooooo excited!!!

Greatest time to be alive. Ever. Ever. Ever. That is all.



#Cardio Mardio Day 3!!!


Evolution of the #Geek