#TrendSpotting: The Future of TV & Web Based Content
Last week I got to play with Google TV at the logitech revue loft. It was totally bitchin, but its ABSOLUTELY not there yet. Here are some factors to consider:
TV as we know it will never be the same. Fact. Advertisers are turning to social media, and where the money goes ... everything else follows. So, these networks have no choice but to follow suit. These are all just facts.
What you're going to watch unfold over the next, I'd say year or so, are some pretty radical changes.
First, let's at least note some of the behavioral patterns of TV watching. We tune out to watch TV, I don't think anyone would ever argue with that. However, web based content we actively TUNE IN TO. Ever notice why the most popular shows on Hulu are 30 Rock, Always Sunny, and even Arrested Development. Shows that may not have been HUGE commercial successes on traditional television are huge successes online, because of the paradigm shift of the medium. Tune out = crappy reality shows, & infomercials. Tune in = dry, witty, deeply sarcastic, and in the opinion of this nerd AWESOME content!
There are going to be some pretty radical changes in the type of user that tunes into web based multimedia content as well.
There will be an interactive component.
You will ABSOLUTTELLLYYYY see the rise of entertainment based checkin services like Miso and Glue. Just very, very, very matter of fact. There is tremendous value when you check into a program, post it on Twitter and Facebook, and engage with your friends about the content that you are watching.
Award shows have gone up since twitter has taken off, as people turn to the 140 character based service to chat about the shows. Coincidence? I think not.
Of course, you are still going to have the programs that people tune out to as well. So, standard programming, non-engagement friendly ... just here, sit, plop down, fall asleep, content will have an audience as well. We are becoming so conditioned on commenting on everything our friends do via Facebook, do you REALLY think that is not going to seep into our entertainment?!?!!?!?! I am just SHOCKED that no one is talking about this yet.
I personally use Miso, after meeting with their CEO a few months back, but I honestly have no loyalty to any service. Foursquare could capture an ENORMOUS amount of marketshare with their service as they actually have developed a hardcore legion of nerds, however - they haven't caught on to the entertainment based checkins just yet. Dude, 50% of nerds don't leave their house. It's not even judgement just INCREDIBLY INCREDIBLY INCREDIBLY matter of fact. Why not CAPTURE that marketshare and engage with those users via entertainment based checkins!?! You already have the networks on board with FourSquare ... I mean HELLOOOOOOOOOO!!! @Naveen and @Dens *waves* hire me.
Yes, Google TV is awesome from the standpoint that it is super fast, but the social component is just not there yet. You need to get people talking!!! The nerds at the party were pretty, meh - but yes, step in the right direction ... but execution isn't close to the tipping point. SOCIAL SOCIAL SOCCCIIALLLLLLL!!!!!