CES Tweetup!

Here are the details for the official CES Tweetup tomorrow:

Official International CES Tweetup and Twitterhunt
5-8:30 p.m. Tempo Lounge, Las Vegas Hilton Tempo
Twitter followers are invited to meet the CEA Social Media Team and other members of our online community at the Official CES Tweetup, hosted by the Las Vegas Hilton. Meet social media mavens, talk tech, and enjoy our drink specials.

Tweet on nerds. Tweet on ...

PS. Anyone notice the new mobile.twitter site on the droid??? I haven't confirmed with 100% certainty if other phones default to the same page but dude!! It's AWESOME!! I might actually use the browser instead of apps now. It's completely streamlined and a whole hell of a lot easier to use. Me gusta mucho!


A nerd just can't win ...


Avatar Nude Scene?!