Subconscious Signs a Man Likes You (That You’re Probably Not Aware Of)

Talk Nerdy To Me®’s @staffwriter 

Navigating social cues while being neurodivergent can be exhausting and confusing.

There are so many subconscious signs a man likes you that can go right over your head.

(Not literally, as in words flying over your head … but rather cues you miss.)

Is he being friendly because he likes you, or is he just being friendly because he’s a nice guy?

It’s tough to know for sure, but luckily, there are some signs that a man/guy gives off when he’s interested in you (that you might not be aware of).

Here are nine subconscious signs a man likes you:

1) He stares at you longer than “normal”

You may think, why does this guy keep looking at me?

Maybe he’s interested in you.

Maybe you have something on your shirt?

If you notice that a guy is making more eye contact with you than with other people in the room, it could be a sign that he’s interested in you.

Count how many seconds he makes eye contact with you and compare it to how many seconds other people stare at you.

Some guys are naturally flirty and tend to make eye contact with every person they see, but if it seems like your admirer is exclusively targeting you then there might be something going on!

2) He touches you “accidentally” or nervously

When I like a girl, I tend to get nervous around her.

I’ll start fidgeting, my palms will get sweaty, and I might even start stuttering.

If a guy is acting like that around you, it’s usually because he’s trying to hide the fact that he likes you.

So, if you see a guy acting nervous or nervously touching you, there’s a good chance it means he’s into you.

This could be anything from subconsciously brushing your hair out of your face to “accidentally” bumping into you.

It is no secret that men are often looking for excuses to touch women, but a subtlety most people miss out on when dating or being courted by someone new -the manner in which they handle personal space.

Men will often brush away strands of hair from our faces without even realizing what’s happening until part way through.

If he’s constantly finding ways to touch you, it means he’s interested in you and wants to get closer to you.

3) He goes out of his way to talk to you

If a guy goes out of his way to talk to you, even when there’s no reason to, it’s another sign that he’s interested in you.

He might strike up a conversation about something you’re interested in or ask for your opinion on something.

Either way, if he keeps finding reasons to talk to you, it means he likes you and wants to get to know you better.

4) He smiles at you more than “usual”

Another subconscious sign a man likes you is if he smiles at you more than usual.

This might seem like an obvious one, but sometimes we don’t realize how often someone is smiling at us until we pay attention.

If a guy seems to be smiling at you all the time, even when there’s nothing particularly funny going on, it means he likes being around you and enjoys your company.

5) He remembers your likes and dislikes

One of the things that I always notice when I’m talking to a woman that I’m interested in is that I remember the details of our conversations.

I’m trying to impress her after all.

I’ll remember what she was wearing, what she was drinking, what we talked about, etc. If a guy is keeping track of all of the little details like that, it’s usually a pretty good sign that he likes you.

If a guy is interested in you, he’ll want to know what your interests are so that he can try to find common ground between the two of you.

He might ask about your favorite TV show or what kind of music you like so that he can bond with you over shared interests.

Alternatively, he might avoid talking about topics that he knows are deal-breakers for you so as not to turn you off completely.

If he remembers what you were wearing the first time you met or what your favorite food is, it’s a good sign that he’s interested.

Guys are visual so they tend to remember things they see.

If he’s retaining information about you, it means he cares enough to pay attention and wants to get to know you better.

6) His body language is “open”

Body language can be a great indicator of how someone is feeling, and this is especially true when it comes to men and their feelings for women.

If a guy likes you, chances are good that his body language will reflect that fact without him even realizing it.

For example, he might stand up straighter or taller when around other people but especially when around you specifically.

Additionally, guys tend to touch their face more frequently when they’re attracted someone; so if there’s increased touching of the nose or lips while in conversation with him then it could well be due to him trying (subconsciously) to send physical cues of attraction your way.

If he’s making lots of eye contact, smiling, and facing towards you when you’re talking, those are all good signs that he likes you.

On the other hand, if he’s crossing his arms or looking away from you, he too might be neurodivergent, so pay attention to the signs. (HE COULD BE ONE OF US!! ::YAY::)

7) He always finds a way to talk to you.

Whether it’s through text, social media, or in person, if he’s always seeking out opportunities to talk to you, it means he likes you.

He might not always have something interesting to say but he enjoys talking to you and being around you nonetheless.

If this is the case, don’t be afraid to make the first move and start a conversation with him yourself!

8) He goes out of his way for you.

If he’s always offering to help you with something or going out of his way to do something nice for you, it means he cares about you and wants to make sure you’re happy.

This could be anything from holding the door open for you to offering to carry your groceries for you.

Whatever the gesture may be, if he’s constantly doing things for you, chances are high that he’s got a crush on you as well.

9) He asks to meet your friends and family

This one is definitely a good sign that things are moving in the right direction!

If he takes the time to get to know your friends and family and actually seems interested in them (and not just because he wants them to like him), then it shows that he cares about what’s important to YOU and that he sees potential for a future beyond just casual dating.

Just make sure it’s not “too early” in the courtship as this can be a form of manipulation.


So there they are!

All in all, while trying to figure out whether a guy likes your back can sometimes feel like solving a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded, these subconscious signs should give you a pretty good idea of where things are heading . . . fingers crossed in your favor!

Good luck out there!


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