#E3 Wrap Up!

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @Violent_Gamer

E3 has been an amazing experience for us!

It was hard to believe that we even made it in. 

Over the last three days we did our best to cover as much content as possible, getting info on the big releases and making sure to cover smaller indie games coming out in the year.  We also talked to numerous developers who gave us in depth information and what we can expect from each game.  All in all I feel we were very successful and got some great content to share with all of you. 

Below you can see our top pics of E3 and read our thoughts on them.

Violent Gamers Top Picks From E3:

 Games to look out for:

You are probably asking yourself "What the hell?? Where is Battlefield 3 or Skyrim or RAGE or Batman: Arkham City??"

Well the fact of the matter is, these games were just too difficult to get our hands on.  Many of the top games had lines that lasted hours or were reservations only (WTF?).  So these were our top picks that we were actually able to play.

We still have more updates of games from E3.  Its a lot to sort out so make sure to check back often to see some of our favorite titles from the expo!



#WTF: Beer Train Lawnmower ... why didn't I think of that?


#Question: Can your one night stand do this?