#JFGI: An Analysis of Polly Dixon's Internet Activity

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's Polly Dixon

Just. Fucking. Google. It. 

This is my solution to everything these days. I spend a lot of time Googling…and ADD-ing all over The NET.  I recently looked at my Search History just out of curiosity to see what I’d been up to over the past few weeks. This is just a glimpse of what I found (and my own personal analysis):

Search(es) #1: “Golds Gym”; “Easton Gym classes”; “Bootcamp in LA”;  “Half Marathons in Southern CA” 

            Analysis: You are Fat.

 Search(es) #2: Various Ex-Boy (Friends/Flings/Fucks) Names

            Analysis: Confirmed Stalker.

Search #3: “Is Four Loko still available in California?”

            Analysis: You are an alcoholic.

Search #4: “Choad”

             Analysis:  Ummm?

Search #5: “Free porn”

             Analysis: Time to go out and get laid.

I probably should start clearing my history before anyone else sees it.  Could get embarrassing.


Want some more? Click here to follow Polly on Twitter, and check out her blog over yonder!


#NerdAlert: Why am I so turned on by Nabokov and butterflies?


@boburnham makes me go ... ohhhhh bo!