#Amazeballs: The future is now

BAHHHHH!!! Jordan just posted this on my Facebook wall, and holy mother of a goat in a coat taking a toke while spittin out a joke, this is rad ...


Dude, I wanna be able to brush my teeth while making edits to my google calendar. Wha?! Wha?! Wha?!


I got to play with the LG touch display board at CES, it was UNBELIEVABLE, but sucked that they didn't have a market price. Wasn't it also featured on Hawaii Five-0? Did I just admit to watching that show? Their tech toys are SOOOOOOO RRRAAADDDDD!!


Thanks for the post Jordan! xo


Fun with #OkCupid: It's lifecasting, not journalism


#Video: Oh Gary, Sweet Gary ...