#NaughtyMommy Happenings - all toys are now gone

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @JenSquard

Last night the hubbard and I totally Grinched it up at our house.  After the kids went to bed we took all of their toys, packed them up and took them out of the house.  Like all of them.  We only left books,  baby toys, and a few cars for little Tucker.  See, they tear up the house every day.  They immediately pull out every single toy, spread them all over, and then absolutely refuse to pick any of it up.  I've tried everything, and they don't care, so we took it all.  And it made me feel terrible, but they have to learn.  I'm definitely not going to be that mom that follows their kids around and picks up after them, hells to the no.  So we went from this:

to this:

Not super nice, but oh well, they definitely have to start listening and stop being so damn defiant all the time.  Man, I feel bad for my mom having to deal with me, geez.  So far they don't seem to care at all.  So I suppose if they don't start caring, then we are getting rid of all their toys and they won't have the option to earn them back.  If they don't need them, that's awesome! 

Sorry if you have given my kids a toy recently!  They may earn it back....and they may not. 

Follow me on Twitter: @JenSquard


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