#Randombling: @JenSquard


#TalkNerdyToMeLover’s @JenSquard

Randombling: A 5 minute long unedited random stream of consciousness produced by a nerd for nerds.

#nowplaying: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

Man, oh man, I guess it is just a Jen thing, but I’m in the sexual frustration boat now, too.  Dang.  See, married sex is an entirely different beast than regular sex.  You are with the same person forever, and things just change, I guess.

Before we were married, sex was exciting and taboo, which I’m sure helped make it awesomer, and there wasn’t a lack of mental stimulation.  Now, he works all day and I hang with the kids, and when he gets home from work I seize my opportunity to do my own work.  We just don’t get alone time very often, and when we do it’s like he just has no idea what to do with me.  I don’t think it should be up to me all the time, but apparently it is.  No, not okay.  Brian just has a hard time understanding the mental stimulation thing.  He knows that I can just look at him and he is turned on.  But it’s not like that for ladyfaces, we need someone to grope at the brain, then the boob.  Get it?

BRAIN, then boob.  BRAIN THEN BOOB!!!

I’m over it.  The thing about being married for a while is you stop getting asked or cajoled or...I can’t think of the word....sweet talked? into sex, it just becomes an expectation.  It’s no longer earned, it’s guilted.  I definitely don’t ever ever ever EVER want to have sex because I am obligated or because I feel bad.  No, that’s so not kosher.  Um, cause guess what?  I want to enjoy it, too.  The end.

Meh, I need a SpiritHood to hide under.  Lame.


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