#Randomblings: WAHHHHHH

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @maniacalmorgan



Now Playing: MGMT - Time to Pretend




I may or my not go over my 5 minute period, but oh well. I need to vent. I know that life is reflective and it gives you what you put in it. I have finally found something that I love and am so passionate about which lies in our nerdy little website, but more so the message it conveys. Jen is a great boss and an even better friend. That being said, I do have to vent about my every day normal job.


Without pointing fingers at a specific company, I work for a coffee chain (you could figure it out easy enough through foursquare). I've been with this company for nearly 4 years. I started as a mere barista and worked my way up to an assistant manager. My current level is a shift supervisor, or shift lead. Just depends on the terminology you're used to. Since my unfortunate demotion about 2 years ago, I've been stuck at the supervisor position. I'm not complaining about the demotion. I've learned a lot and have been humbled by the experience. My beef lies in the fact that I'm used for my knowledge and experience without any sort of compensation.


I've had to fill in as "acting manager"on more than one occasion, one of which is happening now. The last time I pulled sales up in the store and had best controllables (ie orders, inventory management, etc) in our district of around 15 stores and I saw nothing for it. Ok ok, whatever. I told myself it was good experience.


Currently I am "acting manager" and have a million managerial duties I'm having to do and I'm just tired of it! All these new computer systems are rolling out and it's driving me crazy! I keep getting promised a promotion back to my old position, but it hasn't happened. ARGHHHHH! 


I'm going to keep doing what I do best. Keeping giving it 100%. I'm an awesome person and outside of this company, I'm surrounded by AMAZING people. I don't expect anyone to change my life for me, I know I have to do it myself. I'm working on it. Things are in the works. I've just had a really long day and needed an outlet. Whew, I've had enough bitching. Back to being awesome!


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Am I the only one??


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