#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @maniacalmorgan
So, apparently someone spilled the beans that the iPhone 4 will be sold by Verizon as early as January 2011. Oh, joy. Yet another reason for Apple to make tons of money for a product that is merely mediocre. Yes, that’s right. I said mediocre. One of the big things that Apple is pushing is this FaceTime. Grats Apple, again celebrating mediocrity. Samsung S5600v, Sony Ericsson Xperia X1a, HTC EVO 4G… and what’s that? The EVO can do it without a WiFi connection? Amazing! What else is new to the iPhone.? Multi-tasking with OS4... Ahhh, can you even really call it multi-tasking? Because truthfully, it isn’t. That’s like me reading a book, putting it down, walking across the house, and turning on the TV and saying that I’m reading a book and watching TV at the same time. I’M NOT! Sure, I have DVR for my TV and a bookmark for my book, but they are not happening simultaneously. It’s the same with the iPhone; all it does is save the state of your applications. It’s still having to boot your application from scratch, it just knows where you left off. Blackberry has been multi-tasking forever.
I think what it comes down to, is that we are getting complacent and too comfortable with what we already know. Come on! Make that leap and try something new. Just because it’s stamped with that oh-so-familiar Apple logo doesn’t mean it’s the most amazing thing out there. Apple definitely has the marketing on lockdown *bows*, but c’mon people. Step out of your comfort zone and get your hands on something new. You might be pleasantly surprised.
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