Meeting with #Apple!
WOOAHH!! What an afternoon ... SOOOO!! I got an email on Facebook from an el duderino asking to meet up with me later at Comic-Con, that he was from apple. I did my nerdy little research, and called him (as he left his number in the email).
Picture has no relevance, except that its FUNNY!!! =)
After the usual, hello - how are yous were exchanged ... he said I popped up on his FourSquare radar screen. (If you don't know, I am a DIE HARD FourSquare-er, and have met with the creators of said awesomeness and totally have them talking nerdy.) He then checked out my twitter, and Facebook - decided to drop me a note about a few projects ... and *poof* just like that, we're meeting up tonight.
I am meeting with a higher upper uber big wig at Apple tonight all because of social media. Will anything come of this? WHO KNOWS! But all I ever need is a door to open ever so slightly, and then I kick it in, and say - What's up my nerdy wiggas?!
This is HANDS DOWN the greatest time to be alive, and HANDS DOWN the best time ever to be able to market and broadcast what you are doing to give people a reason to meet with you. I am sincerely in awe. I never know how I am going to get anywhere in life, but I know I'm going to stay present and absorb all of the opportunities that are before me. They're ALWAYYSSS before you, wanting you to totally go and play ... sooooo WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, NERDS?? JUST GOOOOO!!! GET IT DONE!!!!! =)
Notebook I put all my ideas in. TOTALLY helps!