+20 Sexy +20 Hygiene

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's @Chickamungus

I’ve been to a number of video game tournaments and conventions and one thing that’s always been a constant, is the ridiculous smelly gamer B. O.! Have you ever been standing in line waiting to play a game when a group of geeks would whisk by leaving a trail of warm funk wind to swirl around your nostrils?  The smell isn’t comparable to any other funk.  It’s like a mixture of 3 day old sweaty armpits, chili cheese Fritos, and that smell that laundry gets when you forget to throw them in the dryer after 8 hours.  No offense to anyone out there, but dare I say, 100.1% of the smelliness comes from the fellas.  What is it about soap, water, and antiperspirant that deters you from using it?  Is it that you’re so glued to your console or playing cards that pulling yourself away for a 10 minute shower would take you out of the zone?  I’ll give you that the smelly nerds are usually young, but not always, and frankly there are only a few excuses for smelling that bad!

Well, I think I’ve discovered the kryptonite!  I was searching around on Etsy.com for cute gaming accessories, and looky what I found!!  It’s a bar of soap shaped like a Playstation controller!  And it’s scented for guys!  The best part about this soap is that it’s scented with “sexy, sexy for men” fragrance oil!  Ahhh yes.  Sekzy sekzy Bow Chicka Wow Wow fragrance oil!  Wash up with this and you may score yourself a sekzy sekzy lady geek friend while cruising the Pokemon plushie booth!  No kidding, the nerd in me is actually interested in buying some of these.  A replica of my PS3 controller or pink Xbox 360 one in “sexy, sexy vanilla” scent would be the bomb.com!  They  actually do have them in Xbox 360 shapes (scented with blueberry pie, energy, and mountain dew) and all the old school controllers too!  

+20 hygiene for all gamers = WOOT!

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