FINALLY!! The new HP netbook commercial ...

For the LIFE of me, I could not figure out why there was so much buzz about the new HP netbook being premiered in the latest Sex and the City flick only see it noticeably absent from the finished product!

It's highly unlikely that SO many sources would have misinformation. HP might not have been able to negotiate a deal for product placement within SATC, but they were able to score a sweet deal with one of its stars!

Here's a look at Carrie bo-berry's latest paycheck:

Dude, Sarah Jessica can pimp out three legged dinosaurs for all I care ... however, changing Carrie's tech toys from mac to PC was just so not kosher for passover. So, so, glad she stayed with her mac.



Happy 208th Day TNTML!!


David and Goliath and TNTML sittin in a tree ...