RT: Stop using the rejection hotline. Start using Twitter!
Okay, okay ... there was some gnarly backlash to my post the other day regarding the rejection hotline. I'd like to open this up for discussion a bit further and explain what I mean by all this rubbish.
First, the rejection hotline is a number girls can give out to a guy if they do not want to give him their number.
Here is an example of the recording the person hears ...
It started off waayyyyy back in the day as one standard number, and then expanded to having numbers in each area code across the country. The only problem now with the rejection hotline is technology. EVERYONE has a cell phone, and guys will call you while you are standing RIGHT there so "you can have their number too ..." aka. I'm making sure this isn't the rejection hotline.
Why would a girl give her number out to a guy if she's not interested? Why not just say "no thank you, kindly walk away??" BECAUSE MEN DO NOT GET IT!!! It is SOOO awkward for a chick to say no, and then walk away. We feel bitchy, we feel like a butt-hole surfer ... I mean all this jazz - it's rechid! It is only prolonging the inevitable. Even if she were to give out her real number, you can bet your bottom dollar she's never going to take your call. It might not even have ANYTHING to do with you!! Maybe she just got out of a relationship, maybe she just went out to hang with her friends that night ... whatever. There is a myriad of reasons why a chick doesn't want to hang out - and most of it has to do with her own emotional psyche than you. We're not programmed like dudes. You can be RIDICULOUSLY hot, be all that AND a bag of chips - and yet ... nada! So don't take it personal el duderinos!!
Now, in regards to that picture I took of the guy - he just would NOT leave me alone. I was walking down Hollywood Blvd. and he was just wanting some serious nerd action. It wasn't like he bought me a drink (WHICH btw, I never let guys buy me), I wasn't leading anyone on, whatevs - just a nerdy chick walking the streets of Holly-hood. Get it now?
I will tell you right off the bat that 99.999% of the time that I have said no to a guy asking for my number, or given out the rejection hotline - it had very little to do with him and everything to do with me. I find a lot of people hot (ex: hot and nerdy listings on Twitter). I'm all about celebrating everyone's individual hotness, however I STILL have absolutely no interest in dating anyone right now. So sorry, Yah Day Chief ... Not happening in this 86,400 seconds ... or any on the horizon.