DOODE!! We are SIX months old today!!!! 180 days!!!!! 155,520,000 seconds of pure NERD TALK!!! =) AHHHHH!!! I can't even HANDLE how many cool things have happened to us so far, and I cannot WAIT to see where we're going.

6 months ago ... I was sitting on my roomate's bed, after a gnarly break up ... had just come back from the #140conf and said "this makes sense." Nothing else did in my life at that moment. The rest has been a product of the pure harnessed energy of having a specific goal and stopping at nothing to accomplish it. From crashing the grammys, to being named one of the agents in the Ford Fiesta Movement, to today - jumping out of a plane (courtesty of itsthesheets.com) ...

I have learned on the Unapologetically Awesome Spring/ Summer 2010 Tour that:

  • I physically cannot drive past 2:30 am. 

  • I can only walk 11 miles at a time with a 30 lb. backpack on (the weight of all my equipment).

I have pushed so many boundaries physically and emotionally. I got off/ gotten rid of:

  • Red Bull

  • Diet Coke

  • Coffee

  • Prescription anything

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

I'm speechless. Literally speechless ... we have a staff of 13, an assessed value of over $64,000. I mean come ON!! I have no words. Thank you all so, so, so much. I didn't set out to spark this revolution, just wanted to see a change inside of myself - and woooowwww did that happen!!


If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.


Live!!! En route to jump out of a plane!! 9am PST


What does skydiving feel like?