"Not Myself Tonight" failed as an homage, but it's still a kickin song!


The bloggersphere is tearing poor Chrissy-Xtina apart for her latest video "Not Myself Tonight." Am I the only one that actually LIKES this video??

They're calling her a copy-cat blah blah blah ... dude, this is CLEARLY an homage to Madonna. From Human Nature, Like a Prayer, to Express Yourself - I mean HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... are you kidding? Thanks, Captain Obvious!!!

I think the only problem I have with the video in general is that I didn't feel like she gave it her all. (DUDE, it's MADONNA!!! You can't half ass Madge!!) It is a HOT video, very stylized and all around visually stunning  - but Chrissy-Xtina seems out to lunch for parts of it. Going through the motions rather than FEELING 'em!!! I mean come on el duderinos ... it's still a kickin song, but girlfriend needs to step up her game if she wants to compete with the GaGa. She gives a better run for the money than Ms. Spears (No offense, Adam!!)

Come a little closer ... have a listen ...

& PS. at least be a little bit more clever with the product placement. I mean COME ON!!!! A solid 5 second shot of a perfume bottle is not going to entice me to make a purchase. Creativity drives consumerism!!!!

And here are the videos that "Not Myself Tonight" was divinely inspired by ...

(Sorry nerds, Madonna's label and YouTube don't like each other - so you have to view them on YT)

Express Yourself

Like a Prayer

Human Nature

& P.P.S. does Chrissy-Xtina not have an official twitter account?!?!? Say it ain't SOO!!!!!


Kraft reminds adults that they love Mac & Cheese too!!


I #heart @JimmyFallon