Me Likey @Contiki_US

So today, as I woke up in the veranda suite of the Shangri- LA hotel looking out over the ocean, I decided that this was way cooler than sleeping in the Fiesta, and I needed to give the Unapologetically Awesome Spring/ Summer 2010 Tour a shot of steroids.

People get what I'm trying to do - I just haven't been clear in explaining it enough. It is travel journalism documented in real time across all the workable elements of social media. Translation: Send me on all your cool trips, and I will market and promote them. I am a walking, talking, billboard!!!!!!!! All I do all day is talk to people!!! Give me something to talk about!!!!!! 

I remembered Contiki from Real World and Road Rules back in the day, and absolutely worshiped where they sent those kids. I thought that would be an absolutely PERFECT fit for the demographic on this site. 

I did some research, found out who the head of the marketing department was,  and picked up the phone. It took exactly 2 calls, one Facebook post, and 58 minutes. THAT'S IT!!!! The senior marketing specialist over at Contiki saw my post - and said she'd love to review the opportunity. 





Just like that!!! Now, Contiki is looking at the Unapologetically Awesome Spring/ Summer 2010 Tour! I've been approached by various luxury travel companies, however - I am not living a life of luxury. I am merely living a life of all things awesome, through and through. 

I have a really, really, really, really, really, good feeling on this. I mean dude, our demographic is EXACTLY who they appeal to - AND the nerdy folk are recession proof. We are the only ones that have survived the recession (or at least have been affected the least). We experienced a boom in the digi-space!!! This is kinda a no-brainer.


Here check out the Contiki Story ... 

In 1961, a young New Zealander named John Anderson arrived in London to embark on a journey to Europe. He didn’t want to travel alone and he didn’t have a lot of money, so he came up with a plan. He put a deposit on a minibus and gathered a group of people to travel with. They spent twelve weeks exploring Europe together and had a wonderful time. At the end of the trip, John tried to sell the minibus but no one wanted to buy it. So in the spring of 1962 he decided to advertise his Europe trip again. This time, he was able to fit two trips into the Summer season, therefore doubling his business, and Contiki Holidays was “born”. The first tours were all booked by 19-29 year olds so right from the start Contiki was all about youth travel.

Click here to read where Contiki can take you!! And stay tuned ... more unapologetic awesomeness is coming back-atcha!!! =) 

Not sponsored by Contiki ... but it could have been!!! =)


@Maddow declares #GEEK WEEK!!


They're talking nerdy baby!