A Nerd's Review: #SexAndTheCity 2

Just got back from a screening of Sex and the City 2, and I must admit - I was pretty impressed.

I hated the first one. No really, Jennifer Hudson?? What was the point?? It seemed overstuffed, and a representation of everything that women do wrong in relationships. 

Carrie is not a role model. In fact, none of these women are. I'd rather like to take a piece of each of them and say that I, collectively, am Sex and the City. We all have a little Charlotte, Samantha, Miranda, and Carrie inside of us - however solely declaring the reflection of your identity in a single character may actually be hazardous to your health.

Then again, who cares right? Let's get down to basics here, the movie - like the series - made me feel AWESOME (unapologetically of course)!! These women know how to have a laugh, look great, and celebrate life. 

Let's talk tech ... 

Carrie flashed her blinged out Blackberry, while Miranda also BBMed, but in a more traditional fashion. Charlotte rocked an iPhone with a white case, and I really don't remember what Samantha had? I want to say she's an iPhone kinda girl, however my memory is blanking on what network she's down with. 

I don't know if the deal with HP fell through or not - but I did NOT see a new netbook! Not that I really cared anyway about a stupid little netbook, but I was really stoked to see that Carrie stayed loyal to her Mac-ness. 

The women go on a journey to Abu Dhabi where they were a bit jarred by the cultural differences. Here these four women are, celebrating their woman-ness *cue I am woman hear me roar* in a Muslim nation that is very unforgiving for a woman's many ways. Trouble of course ensues, and a few action/ adventure scenes mock your intelligence. 

I can't describe it other than this movie felt very real. I finally feel like they got it. Don't get me wrong, Samantha's one liners will make even David Caruso cringe, but there was a very natural and organically awesome element to the overall film. It reminded you to celebrate every moment, every color, and be true to you. 

If for no other reason, I would definitely suggest spending the $12 to invest time with good friends you haven't seen in a few years. The women are DEFINITELY showing their age, however their wisdom has also never shined brighter. 

Sex and the City 2 opens May 27th

Maybe Spoiler: 

Carrie receives a bad review of her latest book in the New Yorker - and they show a cartoon of her with tape placed over her mouth. Interesting, since she is in a Muslim country where women have to place scarves over their faces, and spend a lifetime in a similar situation. Carrie felt like she was told she had no idea what she was talking about in her view point on marriage - similar to the way that men believe woman have no right to speak openly about the ways of the world in Muslim countries. Just because someone does not see something the same way as you, and might break a bit of tradition does not make them any less irrelevant. They are merely another color on the spectrum of unapologetic awesomeness. 

PS. Oh yeah and you will never look at "Single Ladies" the same way again. HAHAHA!!! 

P.P.S. I am TOTALLY convinced she wore that newspaper dress in the series. If that is the case, MAJOR kudos to Patricia Field for understanding that recycled fashion is totally in!!! 


They're talking nerdy baby!


Word Of The Day -- WACKADOODLE