Mike killed the Twins

#TalkNerdyToMeLover's Ponder This

After the awesome first Transformers movie the second one was kind of a bummer. Everything that made the first one so great was strangely missing. Ok, the effects where off the hook but what about the rest? The chemistry between Mikaela and Sam was missing, Sam's parents were still embarrassing but not as funny as before and the new transformers were nice but not really groundbreaking.

Obviously Michael Bay paid attention to the fans and viewers, because yesterday he wrote on his official message board:

Those are probably the best news I've heard so far from this project. These loud, annoying, slightly retard buggers that were incapable of fighting…bah.

Oh, and when you are already in killing mode, could you please kill that Leo guy, too? Who needs him?

Instead give their time and scenes to Megan Fox and let her repair Sam's car again. Or his bike, his computer, his radio,…anything!!


Follow Torsten on Twitter: @iTozy


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