#Casting: Nerdy Social Media Correspondents - UPDATE!
SOOOO!!! I'm super stoked about the TNTML webseries that we are going to be launching!! As many of you know, I also used to have my own personal webshow on LiveVideo (watch some of the clips here ... - dude, the live show is STILL one of the most watched shows on LV. Crazy!!).
LiveVideo was great, however that was just me tooling around in my apartment. The new show is going to be more like our tagline says "providing social commentary on social media." It's going to be goooodddddddd, in studio - all professional, and snazzy jazzy!! Will release more info as it comes through, but so far we have over 130 submissions, which is just INSANE!
Auditions will be held next Monday, May 17th from 2-6pm at Catz Studios.
916 N. Formosa Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Don't worry if you're not from LA - we have things in mind for you too ...
Here's a link with directions to Catz.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me. We are looking for SUPER NERDY Social Media PEEPS!! No gurus, ninjas, or one eyed monkeys please.
Direct questions to: JenFriel@TalkNerdyToMeLover.com