An Open Letter to Betty White Re: TV Land Pilot
Dear Betty White,
Please fire your agent. Seriously ... (Betty is going to be starring in a new show on TV land, and) WTF are you doing on there? Did you not see the whole Facebook movement that demanded your presence on SNL (something we posted about FIVE days before everyone else ...). I know my lingo may seem a bit janky for you, since you might not speak nerd-eese ... but Betty, I love you. Rose Nyland will forever be in my heart, and watching you fox trot down from St. Olaf to TV Land is truly heartbreaking. This is your realm, the nerdy folk TOTALLY dig you. I hope you at least consider my request to boycott TV Land, and fire your agent. The youth of America is depending on you Rose.
<3 Jen Friel aka That Nerdy Chick