YouTube Copyright Police Strike Again

#TalkNerdytoMeLover's According to Adam

Last week, the YouTube copyright police were in the news for the mass takedowns of the "Downfall" parody videos that had reached full Internet meme status. Now, I've never done a Hitler parody video (though I've watched plenty of them), but I do have tons of videos in my YouTube channel, and today the copyright gestapo came for me:

(Oh, and sorry YouTube if I've somehow violated your copyright on that e-mail, that was for some reason included at the bottom of the message. You send me an e-mail, I can use it however I want, so there!)

The strange thing is that I have 41 Britney Spears concert videos -- including some in which our own esteemed Jen Friel can be heard screaming in the background -- and THIS was the only one that was hit with a copyright notice. And the result of that notice? Takedown? Blocking of my channel? Lawsuit in which I'm dragged into court but win over the jury and the nation with an impassioned speech at the end of the movie? Umm... no. The video is still on YouTube, but no longer viewable... in Germany.

So, sorry iTozy, I guess you're out of luck. Everyone else, enjoy the live performance of "If U Seek Amy" that Sony doesn't want the Germans to see.



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David Copperfield -- Illusionist Extraordinare


Like page worthy of the uh ... liking?? @kadeshow