Enough Khaki to Canvas Connecticut ...

A hoi hoi from Connecticut el duderinos!!

Can I even begin to tell you how WEIRD it is being here?!? It's my first time being back for longer than 24 hours in almost 8 years. Walked the halls of my high school today for the first time in 9 years - I mean wow.

It is so crazy having this for an attitude in life ...

... and being in a place like Connecticut where the exact opposite is true. Here in CT, people think you're absolutely insane if you express any sort of hippie mentality. Everything here is SUPER A-Type, and let's just get real here folks, living that life ... didn't work out so well for me. I know it is really weird at first, and hard to really grasp your brain around - but I ASSURE you, to move mountains in life you really only need two things:

1) passion

2) present moment magic

Just. Let. Go. Seriously ... ENJOY each friggen second in the day. Don't be like the people here ... they're not happy. They tell themselves they are because they don't know any better. But for reals, we can't control anything in life. We only tell ourselves that we can. Why not tell yourself it's time to be happy instead? You don't even have to fight for it. Happiness is already inside of you - wanting to come out and play ...

So GO! Go play!! Here's a permission slip for you ...


51 Ways you know you're from Connecticut


#Quiz: What kind of sci-fi film are you??