Employers: What they said vs. what they meant!
Have you ever started a new job, taken a look around and said to yourself, dude - "this is totally not what I signed up for!!!!" You have to remember, you may be selling yourself to future employers - but they are selling themselves to you! Highlighting only the positives, trying to erase those messy little negatives that would deter you from accepting the position. It's a give and take. However, I have put together a translator of sorts from all my random jobs over the years, filtering out what they said they wanted vs. what it actually was. (Some of these were SOO random, as I started in the work force when I was 12.)
Job 1: Production assistant for direct mailer
Job requirements: positive attitude, physically strong, able to work long hours, self starter.
Translation: Stuff envelopes in smelly warehouse for 9 hours with minimum amount of breaks or social interaction. Paper cuts were constant, standing was necessary, and the cat calls were unbearable.
Survival Time: 4 shifts
Job 2: Wild Oats Partner
Job requirements: Assist in the launch of the new Wild Oats store. May be asked to work as a cashier, bagger, or otherwise undefined position.
Translation: I bagged groceries in a purple apron with matching hat. Apparently, there is a science to bagging groceries, and I totally missed out on that class in school.
Survival time: 1 shift ... 6 hours in.
Job 3: Child care provider
Job requirements: must love children, have a lot of patience, be able to think quickly on your feet, high stress, but very rewarding.
Translation: Expect to have your hair pulled, be covered from head to toe in sequins, burned by a glue gun, pull children from chandeliers ... rewarding? Yes, this job was rewarding. Working in a daycare and day camp was the BEST form of birth control. Good call on that one!
Survival time: 1 year ... 1 very ... very ... long year.
Job 4: Talent Scout for local modeling agency
Job requirements: positive attitude, must be social and highly engaging, creative, have a real eye for beauty, sales background suggested but not required.
Translation: Go up to people at a mall, ask them if they've ever wanted to be a model. I then had to rate individuals on a scale from 1-4 (1 being, do not call this person 4 being, this person belongs on a catwalk). I had a quota, so no - I did not think you could be a model, I was just trying to do my job. Sorry el duderinos.
Survival time: 2 years across the state. Went to every concert, convention, and mall (was actually kinda cool, but sitting in a mall for 10 hours at a kiosk is MIND NUMBING!!!)
These are just some of the few jobs that were "sold" to me over the years. If you're in a crap job that you were "sold" to - GET OUT! In fact, GET OUT NOW!!! Success can only be derived from doing what you are passionate about. It is FACT!! Stop doing what you don't like, and start doing what you do like. I GUARANTEE you there is a way to monetize it! Stop thinking ... start doing.